Video inside: Chrome auto completion

It’s always nice to wake up to a new feature in your product. This morning i woke
up way to early (6:30. Outch) and found that Brian had just finished checking in
the new Auto Property Completion for Chrome.

This is one of many new Smart Editing features that are to come in the future
(don’t worry, this one will definitely go into v1.0) and what it does, basically,
is provide you with options for generating property accessors (getter and setter
methods, or fields) right inside the Code Completion drop down box. What’s
more, not only will it show you fields and methods that don’t yet exist – if you
select them, it will also automatically create them for you. No more pesky Ctrl+Shift+C
needed for that, thank you very much.

They say a picture says more then a thousand words, so i recorded a quick Camtasia
video that shows this
. (Don’t expect anything fancy, this video was a 2 minutes

For our beta testers: this (and a lot more) will be in the new .195 build coming
up soon (probably tonight) – for the rest of you, stay tuned for our final Chrome
v1.0 on July 1st…