Builds Galore

Yesterday was big build day, here at RemObjects. We’re published a new release build 4.0.3 of Data Abstract for .NET as promised on our roadmap, along with an updated Beta 2 of RemObjects SDK 4.0 for Delphi (as promised to ourself in our internal roadmap ;). Both builds are available to customers of the respective products, and DA is also avaiable as updated trial.

For good measure, we also cranked out a new alpha build of Data Abstract 4.0 for Delphi and a new beta build of the upcoming Chrome 1.5.3 – to keep our beta testers happy and busy.

Oh, and a new build of our free Internet Pack for .NET is out, too.

To round things off, today we’re announcing the immediate pre-order for RemObjects SDK 4.0 for Delphi and lauching a complete overhaul of our ROFX product websites (see all the links above).

RemObjects SDK 3.0 has been around for a while – it’s been almost two years since we announced it – and we’re pretty excited about the upcoming release of version 4, which brings a lot of cool new stuff (some already in the current Beta 2, some not). Make sure to check it out!

Finally, for users of RO3 who have been toying with the idea of moving up to Data Abstract, we’re offering a special deal: upgrade to the version 4 suite of both RO and DA, and you’ll only pay the €399,- upgrade price, as if you already owned DA3. It doesn’t get much sweeter that that, does it? Check our Order Page for details.

So much for now, back to work…
