ROFX 5.0 to focus on .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005

Just before Christmas we canvassed our customers to see whether anyone could see a need for Visual Studio .NET 2003 support for further development of ROFX (the RemObjects SDK, Data Abstract and Hydra).

The good news is that we did not receive a single reply mentioning VS2003! We did, however, receive several queries about ongoing support for Mono, but that’s a different story (in short, we will continue to actively support Mono, and consider it an important target platform).

Accordingly, we are planning to focus our new development on .NET 2.0 and Mono in Visual Studio 2005 and Borland Developer Studio “Highlander” for version 5.0 of ROFX to best leverage these new tchnologies. ROFX 4.0.x will continue to be available to users of VS2003 and .NET 1.1, and we will keep the option of support for these releases with critical bug-fixes beyond the release of version 5.0.