Vinci officially announced!

As of now, Data Abstract ‘Vinci’ is officially announced, and the website has been updated with our new product banner, replacing the Hydra 3 announcement.

The website update went hand in hand with some style tweaks to the site itself which, while minor, help round of the site even better. We’re also introducing a slightly new look to your product logos and product name texts, that can be seen here for the first time. The product names are using a new font by Thomas Phinney of Adobe, called Hypatia Sans Pro, which i personally find is particularly well designed and looks very pleasing.

Updated pages for RemObjects SDK and Internet Pack ‘Vinci’ will be coming, soon.

I hope you like the visual changes and new look.

As a reminder, ‘Vinci’ is available for pre-order now. New users purchasing a RO or DA subscription now will automatically get the current 40 release, beta access to ‘Vinci’, as well as of course a full year of Vinci updates. Existing customers can upgrade to a subscription now to get immediate access to ‘Vinci’, as well.

Just head over to to get your copy, now.

Look out for the official announcement emails and newsgroup posts, later today. And stay tuned to tis blog for more details about new features, coming up next.