And They're Off...

I know, i know. We weren’t supposed to ship until the 30th, but it turned out we made such good progress and were so happy with the last rounds of testing results that we’ve decided to make available a “Production Stable Preview” of our Vinci releases – including Data Abstract, RemObjects SDK and the free Internet Pack – two weeks early.

These builds are available for immediate download by licensed users, as well as trial versions, and we very much consider these releases production quality and ready to be used in real life projects. A lot of customers has asked us “the beta is awesome, but when can we start using this?” – and the answer is: Now!

Change logs with a complete list of issues addressed and features added will come in the next few days. We have 4336 new revisions over the last 4.0 release, spread over 1567 individual files, so there will be a lot to list ;).

We are still planning for the official .21 release in June 30th, and until then we’ll be crossing a few more Is, dot some more Ts, ad get a couple more features in that didn’t quite make the QA cut for this .20 release.
