Chrome - now with FREE Visual Studio 2008

With Visual Studio 2008 RTM’ed last week, we at RemObjects are happy to discontinue one of our best-selling product SKUs: “Chrome with Visual Studio”, the edition where you could pay $50 extra when buying Chrome to get the full Visual Studio IDE, is no more.

What’s going on? simple: We wanted all our users to get the benefit of using the new version of Visual Studio, and so we’re making the Visual Studio 2008 available to everyone, now.

So what changes?

If you already own Visual Studio 2008 – nothing new for you. You can continue to download the standard 15MB installs that will integrate into your existing IDE. Similar, of course, if you have a prior version of Visual Studio and (for whatever reasons) don’t want 2008.

If you don’t have Visual Studio 2008, you can grab our 350MB “w/ Visual Studio” setup, and it will install .NET 3.5 and the IDE for you. If you’re already using 2003 or 2005, no worries, setup will cleanly install Visual Studio 2008 alongside them (and integrate Chrome with all three versions).

Finally, if you are trial user, you too can now grab the full install from and try out both Chrome and Visual Studio 2008 at the same time! The ability to do this has been one of the most-often received requests, and we’re happy to finally be able and provide the full trial experience!

So, enjoy ‘Joyride’ and Visual Studio 2008.

marc hoffman
Chief Architect