A First Look at RO for Mac OS X and iPhone OS

They say a picture says more then a thousand words, so here we go:

What are we seeing here?

In the background, there’s the .NET version of our standard “MegaDemo” sample server that we’ve been shipping for years. In this case, it’s running using Mono/WinForms right on the Mac, but it might as well be running on a Linux or Windows server far away.

In the front (and not out to win the Apple 2008 Design Award, mind you) is a native Mac OS X application based on what will eventually become “RemObjects SDK for Mac OS X” (or something like that). You’re looking at a 100% Objective-C Cocoa application build in Xcode 3, making use of our pure Objective-C implementation of the RO client stack.

Oh, and: a similar app might of course be found running on an iPhone or iPod touch nearby, but i do not want to tempt the NDA gods by posting pictures of it, you’ll understand ;).

Want to know more? let me know. we’re still looking for a few dedicated testers for when this goes into beta, hopefully later this month.