An Update on Data Abstract for OS X

I realize it’s been a while since i talked about Data Abstract for OS X, so i figured today would be a good time to post a small teaser for what’s coming up in the next beta drop – most likely before the end of the week.

The previous beta, which we shipped in early June, provided read-only access to Data Abstract servers created using .NET and Delphi. Since then we’ve been busy both refining that support but also, more importantly, adding the ability to make changes, persist deltas and and apply updated back to the server.

Below, you’ll see a screenshot of a small sample application that downloads a table from our unified PCTrade sample database, allows to make changes, and post them back. in the background, you see the sample server (running in a Virtual Machine on Windows) accepting and handling those update requests.

The app uses the briefcase model, so it can work offline, with changes staying local until the user presses the “Update” button to send them back to the server; of course DA will also all you to sending changes to the server implicitly, to provide a more seamless “online” experience for the user.

As you might notice, the sample also leverages the new ROZeroConf support we shipped in May, to find the server on the local network without manual configuration (in this case, the server machine is called VEMMY, as can be seen in the popup button in the client’s toolbar – if more than one server were running on the network, the user could pick which one to use, defaulting to the one found first).