What's New? Lots!

The past few weeks have been very busy, here at RemObjects, and today we’re finally ready to share many of fruits of the work we’ve been doing. Let’s see what we have.

  • The brand new “Summer 2010” releases are finally out. Initially we merged the planned  May and August releases to bring you one big release at the end of July. We then decided to delay another two weeks, to cross the last Ts and dot some more Is, and it’s been well worth the wait, as we have lots of exciting new features and enhancements for you. I won’t go into all the details here, but make sure to check out our updated What’s New page and Change Logs. The new builds are available as Trials and for licensed users.
  • We’ve started a podcast, entitled RemObjects Radio, that will keep you, our customers, up to date with latest developments, news and information about our products and related technologies. The first episode is up now, with Jim and myself discussing the coolest new features in the “Summer 2010” Releases, but we already have more episodes in the pipeline, and topics will include technologies such as DA SQL and Relativity, interviews with various members of the product teams, live reports form conferences such as the upcoming Delphi Live, EKON and 360|iDev later this year, and more. We’d also love to get customers on the show as well, to talk about their experiences with our products, so if you’re interested, drop us a mail. Check out the RemObjects Radio home page or subscribe via our Podcast Feed.
  • As if that wasn’t enough, we’ve also started (long overdue, i know) making and publishing some screen casts, available under – fittingly enough – the RemObjects TV moniker. As i’m writing this post, we have three videos ready, two on new Data Abstract features from the “Summer 2010” release, and one introduction to Delphi Prism in Visual Studio (linked from the new Everwood Welcome Page of Delphi Prism XE). These are just the beginning, we have lots more planned. All the videos are published using standard-compliant HTML5, and they will also work well of viewing on iPad or Apple TV, for those of you not fond of watching while sitting at the computer.
  • We’ve also launched a new Events page, to keep you apprised of upcoming conferences, roadshows and other events that might be of interest to you. Right now, this lists a handful of conferences where we’ll be presenting
  • Last but not least, we gave our entire website a small overhaul, to go along with the new changes and to present our new company logo and corporate revised identity. We explored a lot of options with our friends at Clever Starfish, and we felt the “hand-drawn” look fit best with the kinds of logos and images we’ve already been using for other areas of the website, so we extended that to the company logo itself – i hope you like it.
  • Oh, and i almost forgot: today we also RTMed the next release of Delphi Prism, called Delphi Prism XE. The new version is mainly a bug-fix release over the recent release from May (after all, we only had a good 2 months of product cycle), but we’re pretty excited about it. It will ship with RAD Studio XE and also be a free update to all current Delphi Prism 2011 customers, and should be available within the next couple weeks, or so.
