Delphi Live — Day 1 Recap

Day one of Delphi Live has been great, here in San Jose. After the morning Keynote with David I, Michael Swindell, Tony de la Lama and Mike Rozlog and the official launch of RAD Studio XE, Andreano Lanusse gave a whirlwind tour of the cross platform capabilities in Delphi Prism XE — which included creating a ASP.NET web service in Visual Studio 2010 and deploying it to his Linux VM to run in Apache with mod_mono, and using MonoDevelop on the Mac to create an iOS application for the iPhone using MonoTouch (creating a web browser seems to be the Hello World of the iOS platform).

The highlight of the day most definitely was the return of Jim McKeeth‘s Delphi Bots Live, a hands on session where the audience was invited to program a bot for the Unreal Tournament ego-shooter game to fight and hunt down Jim’s real-live player. The battle raged on for over two hours, and participation was great, with people using Delphi Prism in Visual Studio, MonoDevelop and even in Notepad with the command line compiler to create their bots. In fact, Michael Swindell was so successful developing his bot with the command line compiler that we have decided to pull Visual Studio support from the product, and to concentrate our development efforts on Notepad, moving forward.


San Jose City Hall; collage of multiple exposures
shot with the iPhone 4 and “See This