(A bit belatedly) Introducing RemObjects Radio

So i haven’t really talked about it on the blog here much, but a few weeks back we started our own podcast here at RemObjects, titled RemObjects Radio. You have probably seen the episodes popping up in the blog feed here on this site, in your feed reader or even delphifeeds.com, or whatever you use to stay up to date with your daily dose of developer news.

Jim and i have just uploaded our forth (wow, i can’t believe it’s been so long) episode, which we recorded yesterday at the Delphi Tage here in Berlin. The Delphi Tage (“Delphi Days”) were a short (3-day) conference organized by the german community forums, alongside Embacrdero and Developer Experts, and provided a good mixture of conference-style talks and training/workshop-style presentations on various topics surrounding Delphi and Delphi Prism (and also, on day one, on native, Xcode-based iOS development from the point of view of of Delphi developers). Our podcast is basically a roundtable discussion with a bunch of people involved in the conference, including the organizers (Daniel Wolf and Daniel Magin), some RemObjects folks (including your’s truly), David I from Embarcadero and Uwe Schuster (the guy behind the SVN integration in Delphi/Win32 XE) and Arvid Winkelsdorf of Indy fame.

We cover a bunch of different topics, including  – of course – the conference itself, the future of Delphi and Delphi Prism and a sneak peak at what’s coming in Indy 11.

The episode os also co-hosted between RemObjects Radio and Jim’s own Podcast at Delphi.org.

Be sure to check it out, grab the episode at RemObjects Radio or subscribe to it on iTunes to listen to in on your iPod or iPhone, as i am doing in the photo below:
