Using Data Abstract for JavaScript in Visual Studio 11

As part of our Month of Metro, we’re also integrating Data Abstract (and RemObjects SDK) for JavaScript into Visual Studio, letting you create Metro apps that talk your servers.

While we of course fully support Metro with Data Abstract for .NET as well, this feature will also be available with Data Abstract for Delphi, so don;t be surprised if the DA/Delphi installer suddenly offers to integrate into Visual Studio ;).

Just as you’d expect, we provide a template for a Data Abstract Metro Application in the File|New project dialog:

which will launch into the familiar New project Wizard that you already know from DA/.NET and DA/Delphi. Of course JavaScript is a client-only technology, so the server options are not available, but you can choose to connect your JavaScript app to either Relativity Server or a custom Data Abstract Server.
As you can see, we’ve also started re-theming the wizard to match Visual Studio 11’s flatter look. I’ll spare you the remaining Wizard steps, as they will be pretty similar to running the wizard for DA/.NET or DA/Delphi.

Once the wizard is completed, you have a ready-to-run JavaScript application, with a couple of pieces of code that you can uncomment to easily download data and show it in a


For this post, i’ll enable the download of [PCTrade](‘s “CLients” table in *default.js*…
adapter.getData(clientsTable, RemObjects.DataAbstract.Util.createRequestInfo(true,30,"",[]),function(){new RemObjects.DataAbstract.Views.HtmlTableView(clientsTable,"table-clients");}, RemObjects.UTIL.showError);
and uncomment the matching tag in *default.html*. When we hit “Start”, our Metro app comes up full screen, first showing the default DA/Metro splash screen:
and then populating the
with 30 rows of Clients:
Of course the IDE support for JavaScript expands beyond just the template. For example, the *RemObjects SDK* menu item sports the familiar *Import RemObjects SDK Service* entry that lets you import the RODL from an existing RO service and generate a JavaScript Interface file right in our project.

We’re very excited about the possibilities of Data Abstract and RemObjects SDK for JavaScript on Metro, especially as it opens up the platform to Data Abstract for Delphi developers without needing DA/.NET. We’ll talk more about this soon, so stay tuned.

Oh, and: The functionality shown here is available in the current beta that we shipped last Friday. Feedback appreciated!
