Metro Development with Oxygene for .NET

Windows 8 introduces the new Metro style for app development. These Metro apps take advantage of the new Windows Runtime (WinRT) and are available on both Windows 8 desktop and Windows 8 Tablets. Of course Windows 8 has preliminary support in Prism XE2.5 and Oxygene for .NET 5.1. To get started you need the May update to Prism XE2.5, which is available this week. If you want to consistently have access to the latest version of Oxygene for .NET, register your Prism XE2+ serial number. The May update (releases this week) is the minimum version you need to get started. Once you registered, you can download the latest version.

To do any Metro development you need to be running Windows 8 since that is the only place WinRT is available. You can download the Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO and install it in a Virtual Machine (you might need to update your VM software), Boot Camp or as your main operating system. You also need the Visual Studio 11 (VS11) Beta. When VS11 ships, the shell edition will be available with the Oxygene for .NET installation, but for now you need to download the beta from Microsoft. Since you cannot install add-ins to the express edition of VS11, you will need to download the professional version or higher.

The steps for installation are:

  1. Windows 8 Consumer Preview
  2. VS11 (Pro or higher)
  3. Prism XE2.5 – May update or newer

If you want to get a quick start you can download the Oxygene Metro Examples (Updated for the July Oxygene for .NET Beta and the Visual Studio 2012 Release Preview) I’ve put together. The examples cover interacting with the Search Charm, adding an App Bar, changing the app layout when the view state changes, customizing your tile and dealing with notifications. I included both the source and the binaries in the download.