Summer 2012 Interim release

As I talked about in my blogpost a couple of weeks ago, there have been some breaking changes in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview and Visual Studio 2012 RC that caused it to not work well against our “Summer 2012” release.

Last week we have published an interim “June 2012” release for RemObjects SDK and Data Abstract for .NET and JavaScript. This is just a hotfix release and only affects the WinRT/Metro support, but it should bring things up to speed to the latest bits from Microsoft (if you don’t use the Visual Studio 2012 RC or don’t create Metro applications yet, there is no need to update).

However, there is still one caveat with the Visual Studio 2012 RC and DA/Metro projects (and only with them): C# Data Abstract + Metro projects created using the New Project Wizard won’t compile out of the box, but complain that the application entry point is not found. Don’t panic! All you need to do is make any change (literally any – to add a space symbol is enough) to the App.xaml file. This will trigger an internal Visual Studio process that will recreate an auto-generated code-behind file that contains the application entry point and everything will work fine.

This issue is already fixed for the next beta, and will of course ship in the next release, but promoting this fix to the interim release was not easy/safe enough from the QA side of things.

Happy software developing on all platforms supported by Data Abstract (you will be surprised how wide the support is).