"After which no more maintenance releases are planned". Not.

Our good friends and trusted long-time partners at Embarcadero have recently sent out announcements to make sure that all of our shared Prism/Oxygene customers are fully aware of their future path for continuing using the Oxygene language, coverage of Oxygene updates for the full period of Software Assurance this customers have paid for, and are assured that their technological investment in Prism/Oxygene are savely going forward.

I thought it might make sense to post this message here, to make sure noone misses it.

Dear Embarcadero Customer,

Embarcadero Technologies is pleased to announce the release of Embarcadero Prism XE3.2.

Embarcadero Prism is no longer an included product within RAD Studio as of the XE4 release. Maintenance updates will continue to be provided through August 2013, after which no more maintenance releases are planned.

We wish you success in using this latest Embarcadero Technologies product.


Embarcadero Product Management

We want to thank our friends and partners at Embarcadero once again for getting the word out on this, and for letting our shared customers know where to obtain Oxygene going forward, especially beyond August. It goes without saying that we (RemObjects Software) will honor all active SA contracts, on our dime, beyond August. Please contact us if you have any questions.