Announcing Data Abstract and RemObjects SDK 8.3

We’re happy to announce that we just shipped Data Abstract and RemObjects SDK 8.3, a set of significant updates to our flagship emoting and multi-tier frameworks.


Probably the most exciting change for Delphi users in this release is the inclusion of support for the “NEXTGEN” Delphi compiler, and with that support for building FireMonkey applications for iOS and Android in Delphi. We know that many of you felt strongly about being able to use Delphi to build apps for these platforms, and with DA8.3 you now can.

This support of course comes in parallel with our existing support for building apps for these platforms with out native libraries for Cocoa and for Java, respectively. Our platform-native libraries will continue to be a major focus point, and our recommended solution for building great mobile apps.


Version 8.3 also adds official support for using RO/DA in combination with our new a (and free) Silver compiler that we shipped last month. You can now use Data Abstract and RemObjects SDK to build clients and servers using the Swift language. Servers can be created for .NET/Mono, and clients are of course supported for .NET/Mono, Cocoa and Java/Android.

This is a change that should be exciting booth existing RO/DA users who want to use Swift, as well as to existing Swift developers looking to write server code to accompany their client apps.


This release also adds official support for Visual Studio 2015 (Release Candidate, or later), and includes tentative support for Fire, our new native development environment for Mac.

You can use DA with all three Elements languages (Oxygene, C# and Swift) in Fire, and in Visual Studio it of course supports Visual C# and Visual Basic, as well.


Version 8.3 is available now, both as full versions for licensed users, and as free trial. As always, this is a free update for all users with an active subscription.
