Announcing Elements 8.1.85

I’m happy to inform you that we have just released a new update to Elements, version 8.1.85.

As the version number implies, this release is a minor update over the previous Elements 8.1 from this Spring (the second one), but it is our most significant yet, with literally over 500 commits and fixes and improvements all across the tool chain.

We’ve been working on this release in parallel to the next big version (more on that below) and really focused on stability and bug fixes. We hope you will find 8.1.85 incredibly solid.

The release is available now, as trial and for registered users, and of course covers all three languages – Oxygene, C# and Swift – and includes Visual Studio, as well as significant improvements to Fire.

What’s Next?

We’re not slowing down, of course. The team has been hard at work on new features and improvements for the next major version, and at the end of this week, we’re planning on making the first beta of Elements 8.2 available. Like 8.1, Elements 8.2 will be a major new release, with significant new features and fast improvements. Already, we have over 1200 commits with new stuff over 8.1.85 that will become available in beta on Friday.

Changes in Elements 8.2 will include an update to Silver to support Swift 2.0, application templates for Windows 10 UAP, support for new Cocoa SDK features, such as ”kindof” and nullability info from Objective-C, language enhancements across the board, and much more.

Get It Now

As always, Elements 8.1.85 is a free update for all users with an active subscription (and of course Silver remains to be free for everybody). Having an active subscription also ensures that you will have access to the 8.2 Beta – so if your sub has lapsed, now is the perfect time to go and renew.

We hope you’ll enjoy the 8.1.85 release and that we’ll see you on the Elements 8.2 beta.

marc hoffman
Chief Architect