Fire Tips: Option-Command-C


In this new series of blog posts, i want to look at and highlight small but cool details in Fire that will make your work easier. Things that will be easy to overlook or notice, but once learn about them, you'll use them every day.

First up, is the ⌥⌘C shortcut.

Of course you're aware of the standard ⌘C shortcut that will copy your current selection to the clipboard (sorry, pasteboard) for later reuse.

⌥⌘C (or the corresponding "Edit|Copy w/ Build Messages" menu item) works like that, but instead of just copying the selected code, it will also copy along any inline error messages (or warnings/hints) that might be showing for that range of code:

method RootViewController.viewDidLoad;
  inherited viewDidLoad;

  titl := 'App6'; // E509 Unknown identifier "titl", did you mean "title"?

This can be super useful for many scenarios, such as reporting a bug, asking about an error on Talk, or even just grabbing a piece of code to discuss it with a co-worker over chat or email.

I personally use this feature dozens of times every single day. Hope you find it useful, too!