This past weekend, I had the great honor to join Fellippe on the QB64 Podcast, QB64 Report, to talk about the past and future of BASIC, Elements, and our new currently-in-development Mercury front-end for the compiler, which brings Microsoft's VisualBasic.NET™ language to all of Elements' platforms.
You can listen to the episiode (~25 minutes) here or embedded below, or subscripe to the whole podcast in your player of choice.
While we're at it – this past June I also had the opportunity to discuss Mercury with Carl and Richard of the awesome .NET Rocks Podcast, in Episode 1693 (~53 minutes).
Hope you enjoy these, and let us – and the hosts – know what you think!
Also, don't forget to check out our Mercury preview page to learn more about Mercury, grab a trial of the current beta, or take advantage of our low (but life-time!) early-bird $39/month pre-order price!