My company is about to dive into the world of automated testing. The first guinea-pig for automation is a project I happen to be managing. Unfortunately, the team and I have very little experience with automated testing, so I recently asked Atanas Stoyanov for some advice. Here are the notes I took:

  • Start with Simple Smoke Tests
    • Keep them simple!!
  • Tests should take less than 20 minutes; if smoke tests are too big then people will resent using them after each build.
  • Do not start with big goals (testing frameworks, etc)
  • Start with “main” areas of the app… clicking menus, opening forms. Nothing too big. It should be able to give results daily.
  • Once smoke-tests are stabilized, proceed to regressions tests (validating data in forms).
  • When doing regression tests, run the nightly or every few days.

I hope all goes well. Wish me luck!
