Photo of the Week #7 [![For Your and Our Freedom](](“For Your and Our Freedom” – see it on [](
Chrome - now with FREE Visual Studio 2008 With Visual Studio 2008 RTM’ed last week, we at RemObjects are happy to discontinue one of our best-selling product SKUs: “Chrome with Visual Studio”, the edition where you could pay $50 extra
Tracing Database Communication in DataAbstract During development I always trace all communication from my application to the database. It helps a lot to see what and when commands are sent to the database. DA’s DriverManager (TDADriverManager) provides
Visual Studio 2008 is here fire up your msdn and start the download – Visual Studio 2008 RTM is available! Or, on second thought – please wait 2 more hours until my download is done, and then go get it
Chrome on Linux Last week we’ve started looking into MonoDevelop integration for Chrome. MonoDevelop is an open source GTK based IDE for Linux. It has support for GTK# form design, C#, VB.NET and other
Some interesting UI concepts on Alex Faaborg's Blog Alex Faaborg of the User Experience team for Firefox has posted an interesting look at some of the new UI changes that are coming in Firefox 3. I’m a big fan of
Announcing AnyDAC 2.0 for Delphi! It’s been a while since my last post (with text ;), and i apologize. A lot of interesting things have been going on at RemObjects that have been keeping me busy. As some
Photo of the Week #6 [![20064 #1.jpg](](“There’s a Hole in the Sky” – see it on [](http://www.
Codegear Developer Day 2 in Buenos Aires I meet David I, Andreano Lanusse and Andhers Ohlsson today. David I expose many points about the Codegear vision of the future. (I’m the tall guy) First, they expose in a clear
Love the new Apple Keyboard [![Keyboard.jpg](](“Keyboard” – see it on []( I’
Real Life SQL Injection There have been some of discussions about SQLGetData and TDAWhere vs. the new Dynamic Where and Dynamic Select features in Data Abstract ‘Vinci’ in our newsgroups this past week, and i think this
The Gum Thief A brief book recommendation: this saturday i’ve read The Gum Thief, the latest novel by Douglas Coupland. I’ve loved Coupland’s work ever since first reading Microserfs some ten years ago,
Photo of the Week #4 [![20064 #1.jpg](](“Welcome to the fall” – see it on [](
Avoiding Feature Creep: or On the Up-Sides and Down-Sides of Having an Evolving Language I feel the need to say something here, inspired by recent language feature discussions and suggestions, both on our public Chrome newsgroups but also in the betas. I know that many of you,
Using Ubuntu like host OS Hi finally take the trip and after a lot of troubles with D2007 Updates and XP i prefer to use a Virtual machine running XP on a Ubuntu Box. That way will guarantee
Something is Happening It’s been a while since i talked about it, but having recently received the DVD and had the chance for a re-watch, i need to recommend David Lynch’s latest masterpiece INLAND
Photo of the Week #3 [![20064 #1.jpg](](“Shake” – see it on [](
The Fine Art of Software Delivery I’ve just wasted four hours of my life i will not get back. What did i do you, you ask? Easy: i tried to upgrade my Delphi 2007 test VM to the
Cool Mac Tools, Part Deux Many years ago, when i seriously started collecting DVDs, i wrote an application where, being the anal-retentive guy i am, i could maintain all my DVDs and, eventually, CDs and books. I don’
Photo of the Week #2 [![20064 #1.jpg](](“Dudes on a Bridge” – see it on [](http:
This application has encountered an error: The operation completed successfully. ![]( thing.
Adventures in Mac World - Part 2 In my previous blog post, we took a quick first look at developing Mac a application using Chrome and Mono. Since that post was written, a lot of things have happened. We’ve
Photo of the Week #1 Figuring a bit of non-tech content would do this blog some good, i’ve decided to start a weekly post series, titled “Photo of the Week” (how original, indeed ;). Once a week, i’
Cool Writing Tool I came across a cool writing tool today that i fell instantly in love with – WriteRoom by Jesse Grosjean. At heart, WriteRoom is a very simplistic text editor for plain and rich text
Partial Methods Next to the big two new features shipping in Version 2.0.3 of Chrome ‘Joyride’ that we’ve already talked about in previous posts, there’s also one small but powerful new